Can i safely store cooked shrimp in the refrigerator?

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Alma Escobar, Thu May 21, 2015 2:23 pm

What is the shelf life of cooked shrimp in the refrigerator?

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Mary, Thu May 21, 2015 7:46 pm

Seems like people are split on this cooked shrimp storage debate. I say live on the edge and leave it out on the counter. Who needs a fridge anyway? Embrace the risk!

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Tatum, Thu May 21, 2015 10:48 pm

Living on the edge with food safety is not a gamble worth taking. Keep your shrimp in the fridge to avoid a risky situation.

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Darian Thompson, Fri May 22, 2015 12:38 pm

Is it just me or does anyone else think we should ditch the fridge altogether and start storing cooked shrimp in a cool, dark cave like our ancestors? Lets get primal, people!

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Amos Walter, Fri May 22, 2015 6:48 pm

Absolutely not. Our ancestors didnt have the luxury of refrigeration for a reason - food spoils quickly. Lets stick to modern conveniences and avoid potential food poisoning.

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Paloma, Sat May 23, 2015 5:14 am

Why bother storing cooked shrimp in the fridge when you can just eat it all in one go? Lifes too short for leftovers! Plus, who wants to risk food poisoning anyway? Live on the edge, people!

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Devon, Sat May 23, 2015 10:25 am

Storing leftovers is just practical and saves time. Its not about playing it safe, its about planning ahead. Enjoy your shrimp your way, Ill enjoy mine later.

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Ace Elliott, Sat May 23, 2015 6:44 pm

Cooked shrimp in the refrigerator? Why not just leave them out on the porch to marinate in the sun? Who needs food safety guidelines anyway? Live life dangerously, right?

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Jaziel, Sun May 24, 2015 3:05 am

Leaving shrimp out in the sun is a recipe for disaster. Food safety guidelines exist for a reason. Dont play Russian roulette with your stomach.

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Musa Nielsen, Sun May 24, 2015 8:06 am

Why bother storing cooked shrimp in the fridge when you can just eat it all in one go? Live life on the edge, embrace spontaneity! Who needs leftovers anyway?

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