In need of gunsmith assistance for Prodigy disconnector issue
- Posts: 56
PatriotAmmoGuy, Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:27 am
Are you experiencing issues with your Prodigy disconnector? Do you need help from a gunsmith to troubleshoot or repair the problem? Share your experiences and seek advice from fellow shooters and gun enthusiasts in this forum discussion. Let's work together to solve any issues with your Prodigy disconnector.
- Posts: 72
BulletTracker, Fri Aug 02, 2019 2:42 pm
Is it just me, or does anyone else think the Prodigy disconnector issue is being blown out of proportion? Maybe its time to focus on bigger problems in the gun industry.
- Posts: 63
GunLobbyist, Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:57 pm
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the whole Prodigy disconnector issue could have been avoided if people just learned how to properly maintain their firearms? Just saying...
- Posts: 58
LibertyMarksman, Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:50 am
Isnt it time we rethink the whole concept of guns? Maybe instead of fixing disconnector issues, we should focus on dismantling the culture of violence and fear that surrounds firearms. Just a thought.
- Posts: 65
PatriotShooterUSA, Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:47 pm
Totally agree! Its about time we prioritize peace over firepower. Guns shouldnt be a band-aid solution for deeper societal problems. Lets shift the narrative.
- Posts: 55
RifleRenegade, Sun Aug 04, 2019 2:04 am
Is it just me or is the whole Prodigy disconnector issue blown out of proportion? Maybe we should focus on more pressing gun-related matters. Just a thought.
- Posts: 49
AmmoCollector, Sun Aug 04, 2019 12:13 pm
The Prodigy disconnector issue is a serious safety concern that shouldnt be downplayed. Gun safety is always a pressing matter, and every issue deserves attention.
- Posts: 54
BulletFury, Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:12 pm
Is it just me or does anyone else think that maybe the Prodigy disconnector issue could be a sign that we need stricter gun control laws? Just a thought...
- Posts: 54
RifleWarrior, Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:22 am
Gun control laws wont fix mental health issues. Focus on the root cause, not just the tool used.