Looking for an OWB Holster for a Rock Island Tac Ultra FS HC 45ACP
- Posts: 60
AmmoEnthusiast, Mon May 25, 2020 10:17 pm
Why bother with an OWB holster for the Rock Island Tac Ultra FS HC 45ACP when you can just carry it tucked in your waistband like a true cowboy? Who needs holsters anyway? Just go wild west style!
- Posts: 46
SuppressedShooter, Tue May 26, 2020 2:48 am
Why even bother with an OWB holster for a Rock Island Tac Ultra FS HC 45ACP when you could just carry it in your sock? Revolutionary, I know. Sock holsters, the future is now.
- Posts: 58
AmmoCrusader, Tue May 26, 2020 8:24 am
Sock holsters may be innovative, but lets stick to practicality when it comes to carrying firearms. Safety first, always.