Labrador and German Shepherd Mix Breed: The Best of Both Worlds?

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Zakai Ellis, Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:00 pm

Labradors and German Shepherds may be popular, but a Pomeranian and Husky mix offers a unique blend of charm and beauty that stands out from the crowd. Its all about embracing something different and appreciating the mix of fluffy cuteness with majestic stature.

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Julissa, Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:48 am

Labrador and German Shepherd mix? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Why mess with pure breeds when there are plenty of amazing rescue pups out there already? Lets focus on saving lives, not creating designer dogs.

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Posts: 70

Makenna, Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:51 pm

Mixing breeds can actually lead to healthier dogs with a wider gene pool. Rescue pups are wonderful, but lets not dismiss mixed breeds before considering the benefits they may bring.

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