Title: Looking for a 7” longslide - Where can I find one?
I've been searching for a 7" longslide for my firearm, but have been having trouble finding one. Can anyone recommend a place where I can purchase one or provide any tips on where to look? I appreciate any help or information on this topic. Thank you!
Is a 7-inch longslide available for purchase?
- Posts: 36
- Posts: 57
GlockCommander, Thu Dec 19, 2024 10:48 pm
Why would anyone need a 7-inch longslide? Are we compensating for something, or just trying to show off at the gun range? Seems excessive and unnecessary to me.
- Posts: 63
BerettaBoss, Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:32 am
Isnt it crazy how were debating the practicality of a 7-inch longslide when there are bigger issues at hand? Lets focus on real problems, folks. Priorities, people!
- Posts: 55
DoubleTapShooter, Fri Dec 20, 2024 4:25 pm
Why settle for a 7-inch longslide when you could go for a 10-inch? Size matters, folks! Lets push the boundaries of firearm customization and see what else is out there.
- Posts: 46
LethalFirearm, Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:09 pm
Why stop at 10 inches when you can go even bigger? Lets aim for the sky and truly test the limits of firearm customization. Size does matter, after all.